供电正常、通讯正常,点击确认键后分析仪不工作。这是没有水流,炉子温度太高或仪器通道电压不正常。如没有水流,炉子温度太高这些信息会显示在显示器画面上,但没有信息显示说明这两项正常。接下来检查仪器通道零位电压,如果比±3V高出1V以上,可能是因为气瓶空了,或者是空气进入到分析仪中。检查并更换化学试剂,如果有空气进入热导池里,热导池的电压就会<-6V,此时打开右面的门,堵住炉子气体进口,10s后,热导池电压值必然升高。经过逐一排查,**终确认碱石棉有问题,更换后仪器正常。 氧氮氢分析仪选哪家?给您推荐上海禹重!上海专业分析仪采购
1 、氧氮氢分析仪在初次启用前,应该对连接点、焊点、阀门等进行检漏,以确保空气中的氧不会反渗进入管道及仪器内部,造成测量数值偏高。
Sample Preparation
Sampling and sample preparation of refractory metals such as titanium and zirconium is somewhat different from that of steel. Unlike steel samples, hydrogen is not as mobile in this group of materials; therefore, storage in liquid nitrogen or dry ice is not required. However, it is important to keep the sample cool when cutting or sectioning. Sample preparation for oxygen and nitrogen determination has beendifferent from that of hydrogen determination.
Determine the instrument blank.
a. Login a minimum of 3 Blank replicates.
b. Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen. After a short delay, the loading head slide-block will open.
c. Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen again, the loading head slide-block will close and the lower electrode will open.
d. Clean the upper and lower electrode manually, or, if applicable, remove thecrucible and press the analyze button to clean with the automatic cleaner.
e. Firmly place a graphite crucible on the lower electrode tip.
f. Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen, the lower electrode will close and the analysis sequence will start and endautomatically.
g. Repeat steps 2b through 2f a minimum of three times.
h. Set the blank following the procedure outlined in the operator's instruction manual.
仪器启动时显示。没有水流。系统分析电流切断,分析停止。这是水流探测器不正常,水泵不工作,管道堵塞。将仪器的右面板取下,观察水流探测器,用手挤压补水塑料水瓶,发现水流正常,显示正常,证明水流探测器正常,管道畅通。启动循环水泵,但分析仪显示没有水流,此时可判定水泵不正常。打开水泵转子密封口,启动泵发现电机正常运转,此时关闭进水,拆下水泵,发现叶轮脱落。经了解,判定是由于外部冷却水停水,仪器内循环水温过高(水温应≤70℃),致使叶轮(叶轮材料PVC)热胀并脱轴。用粘合剂粘合叶轮后再粘于叶轮轴上,待粘合剂凝固后试车,仪器运行正常。 新型气路管道减少气路连接阀,使得漏气,断路故障更少。山东氧氮氢分析仪价格
Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen in Refractory Metals
One of the most critical chemical specifications of titanium alloys is the hydrogen content. Too high of a
hydrogen content can cause hydrides to precipitate, which can lead to embrittlement and subsequent
cracking when the alloy is stressed. Hydrogen pickup typically occurs during downstream processing steps
such as heat treating, pickling, and cleaning.
The LECO ONH836 is a simultaneous oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen determinator that utilizes an electrode furnace, inert carrier gas, and both infrared and thermal conductivity detection to meet the analytical needs of the refractory metal industry.
This application note was written specifically for use with the LECO ONH836 series determinator.