产品名称:IDM25/MOFF36 电动执行机构 IQD20
IQ - Multi-turn
The 3rd generation intelligent actuator, a world first.
•IQ3 Range multi-turn electric actuators can be used for isolation or regulating duties of up to 60 starts per hour
•IQ3 Range actuators can be supplied as watertight or explosion-proof
•Direct torque output range from 14 Nm (10
The 3rd generation intelligent actuator, a world first.
•IQ3 Range multi-turn electric actuators can be used for isolation or regulating duties of up to 60 starts per hour
•IQ3 Range actuators can be supplied as watertight or explosion-proof
•Direct torque output range from 14 Nm (10
山东原装进口英国ROTORK电动执行器生产商上海欧仪实业有限公司提供英国ROTORK电动执行器IQ3系列-IQTM1000 。
IQ - Multi-turn
•With the addition of second stage gearboxes, multi-turn output torque up to 43,000 Nm and quarter-turn up to 1,000,000 Nm is available
•Enhanced sealing and maintenance access
•All new design with updated visual appearance
•Absolute position measurement with naturally redundant position sensor
•Best-in-class display, communications, diagnostics and HMI
•Configurable using Bluetooth® or infrared
产品名称:TKJQ-100 电动执行机构 IQ18
(3)完善的自诊断及保护功能。它可在线诊断出伺服电机过载、过热情况及电源的状态等,还能自动识别三相电源相位,紧急情况时,执行器可保位或运行到预先设定的安全位置;上海欧仪实业有限公司提供英国ROTORK电动执行器IQ3系列-IQ35 。
Schischek HVAC Solutions - Explosionproof Actuators and Control Systems
Schischek electric explosionproof products for heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) for industrial and offshore applications. Developed in conjunction with other control equipment to produce modern, reliable and proven explosionproof products utilising the latest technology.
上海欧仪实业有限公司提供英国ROTORK电动执行器IQ3系列-IQD25 。江西销售英国ROTORK电动执行器厂商
上海欧仪实业有限公司提供英国ROTORK电动执行器IQ3系列-IQTF100 。湖北操作性能好英国ROTORK电动执行器厂商
400 Series Electric Actuators
400 Series electric actuators use the reliable Planetary Torque Control System (PTCS), providing a highly efficient actuator.
The 400 series comprises of:
400-DC Low Power Consumption Electric Actuator
400 Series Electric Actuators
400 Series electric actuators use the reliable Planetary Torque Control System (PTCS), providing a highly efficient actuator.
The 400 series comprises of:
400-DC Low Power Consumption Electric Actuator
上海欧仪实业有限公司创建于2010-11-08,注册资金 500-700万元,是一家专注派沃尔阀门(T&P控制阀、调节阀) 美国博雷(BRAY控制阀) 丹佛斯(DANFOSS控制阀、仪表) 德国(GEMU控制阀) 韩国工控(YT气动产品、HQ电动产品) 德国(EMG电动产品) 美国(ASCO电磁阀) 日本(SMC过滤器、电磁阀)的公司。唯才是举,唯能是用:拥有优秀人才5~10人和,是实现企业战略目标的基础,是企业持续发展的动力。上海欧仪实业有限公司主营业务涵盖[ "蝶阀", "球阀", "电动阀", "调节阀" ],坚持“质量***、质量服务、顾客满意”的质量方针,赢得广大客户的支持和信赖。一直以来公司坚持以客户为中心、[ "蝶阀", "球阀", "电动阀", "调节阀" ]市场为导向,重信誉,保质量,想客户之所想,急用户之所急,全力以赴满足客户的一切需要。