


粘度调节剂 :



用法 : 3-8 phr或更多,在混炼初期加入(生胶之后立即加入) 与标准配方相比,加入Sidistar®后生烟量***降低。氯丁橡胶埃肯抗疲劳剂



上海君宜化工销售中心(有限合伙)公司总部位于上海,分别在中国的广东(广州)、福建(厦门)、陕西(西安)、河北(邢台)、辽宁(沈阳)设有自己的分支机构,同时建立本地仓储,确保以**快捷的方式服务于我们的客户。 VMQ埃肯光滑剂产品可能会发黄(白炭黑呈酸性的主要原因是盐酸没有过滤完全,盐酸中氯原子会导致黄变)。


Junyichem Co, LTD is located in Shanghai China. We are a research and production enterprise that serve the chemical

Serve the rubber, plastic, coating, paint, ink and other industries. We have several production bases in China, our products include special additives, resins and functional reinforcing filler etc Junyichem provide special BETA functional additives, annual output of 3000 tons Junyichem provide BETA color master batches, annual output of 3000 tons Betachem provide quality AdvanZ resins annual output of 20000 tons.

Junyichem provide special SAK functional fillers.

Ever since Sam Eyde established Elkem in 1904 our main activity has been to develop new products, markets and production methods. An ambitious innovation strategy in combination with a strong focus on future markets has been the foundation for Elkem’s development. It has led to a great success – throughout more than 110 years.Elkem’s innovation strategy covers both incremental and step change innovation. The core of Elkem Business System (EBS) is continuous improvement.

EBS keeps the company equipped to meet future challenges. By always looking for new potential, by using EBS tools to describe the potential, by finding solutions and measuring results Elkem gains a steady progress.

However, to keep our position as a world-leading producer of silicon, silicones and carbon-based materials Elkem also seek innovation and new improvements. 在所有情况下,“在试样完全破坏之前的总循环数”将随着添加Sidistar®提高。




用途: 降低生热, ***提高产品耐疲劳和屈挠性能

推荐应用: 减震制品, 传动带, 胶囊, 轮胎带束层,胎侧,胎面

用法 : 3-8 phr, 因 SIDISTAR 补强性能不强, 需要与炭黑或普通白炭黑并用, 以取得良好的物性. 混炼初期加入

• R300 是以初级粒子形式分散的

• 滚珠效应***降低填料之间的内摩擦 , 减少生热 , 大幅度提高疲劳寿命


用途: 补强, 提高制品拉伸强度, 提高回弹性能和低温性能

推荐应用: *用于 FKM 和 HNBR 中

用法 : 20-30 phr, 全部或部分替代 N990. 推荐使用浅色 R320. 加在胶料中,用于降低门尼粘度,提高胶料流动性。VMQ埃肯光滑剂


lkem’s production involves potentially harmful situations: People interact with large quantities of raw materials, chemicals, powerful machinery and very high temperatures.

Elkem gives great focus to understanding the risks involved in our production, and put substantial resources into controlling them, so we avoid injuries and occupational illnesses. Injury prevention is emphasised to the same degree as production, quality, sales, delivery times, efficiency and cost control. 氯丁橡胶埃肯抗疲劳剂

上海君宜化工销售中心(有限合伙)坐落在上海市浦东新区五星路676弄万科御河10栋,是一家专业的化工原料及产品(除危险化学品,监控化学品,烟花爆竹,民用物品,易制毒化学品),橡塑制品,轮胎,五金交电,日用百货,化妆品,健身器材,仪器仪表,机械设备,机电设备,计算机,软件及辅助设备销售,从事化工,健身器材科技领域内的技术开发,技术咨询,技术服务,技术转让,电器工程安装,自动化控制设备安装,调试,维修,机电安装建设工程施工,工程自动化设备安装维修及,工业自动化控制系统工程,商务信息咨询。公司。公司目前拥有51~100人员工,为员工提供广阔的发展平台与成长空间,为客户提供高质高效的产品服务,深受员工与客户好评。上海君宜化工销售中心(有限合伙)主营业务涵盖[ "化工原料及产品", "橡胶,炭黑", "色母粒,弹性体" ],坚持“质量***、质量服务、顾客满意”的质量方针,赢得广大客户的支持和信赖。目前公司已经成为[ "化工原料及产品", "橡胶,炭黑", "色母粒,弹性体" ]的**企业,正积蓄着更大的能量,向更广阔的空间、更***的领域拓展。

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