卡博特诺蕊特生产各种形式和尺寸的活性炭,有极精细粉末活性炭,颗粒活性炭和柱状活性炭。精细粉末活性炭(PAC)用于烟气处理。活性炭直接加入到烟气中。二嗯英和重金属能被有效地***。更多信息,请参考《诺蕊特烟气处理手册》。对于固定床操作,通常使用颗粒活性炭(GAC)或者柱状活性炭。NORIT供应不同活化度和颗粒尺寸的活性炭,以供选择。我们的柱状炭在市场中是**耐用的活性炭。高耐磨和超高硬度极为重要,因为活性炭颗粒的磨损会引起活性炭过滤器压降的升高。活性炭颗粒的破损也会引起下游设备的损坏的堵塞。一些杂质的物理吸附较低为提高对其吸附能力,浸溃活性碳应运而生,通过化学吸附***某些特定的杂质,比如汞和硫化氢。NORIT® RGM3和NORIT® ROZ3适用于天然气、乙烯等进料的精脱硫处理,具有极高的硫化氢吸附容量和去除效率.卡博特活性炭NORIT CA1 PA
Norit公司在荷兰、意大利、英国、美国、墨西哥和巴西拥有众多生产或再生活性炭的工厂。Norit公司使用蒸汽活化法和化学活化法生产活性炭,利用的原材料有多种类型,如:泥煤、褐煤、烟煤、无烟煤和椰壳,甚至还有橄榄核,生产的活性炭品种繁多。 Norit 公司能够生产**多类型的活性炭。通过控制不同的物理形状(粉状、破碎颗粒状和柱状)、不同的粒度(从非常小的粉状炭到4mm 柱状炭),通过调节不同的活化程度、不同的纯度,同时通过采用特殊的后处理工艺如浸渍,Norit 公司 能够为各种应用提供相适应的活性炭 上海君宜化工经销卡博特Norit活性炭150多个品种,其中包括油气回收,VOC处理,水处理,医药可以入口的活性炭,脱硫脱汞、催化剂的保护剂用途等等 NORIT PROTECT G1230活性炭我们的柱状炭在市场中是**耐用的活性炭。
气体脱硫(保护贵金属催化剂) 石油炼化领域,天然气、合成气、乙烯等原料常用于生产很多化工产品(例如氨、甲醇、环氧乙烷等),这些原料气中可能含有有害硫化合物(例如硫化氢)。鉴于贵金属催化剂极易遭受硫中毒,通常反应装置对进料硫含量(硫化氢)有严格地要求,一旦硫含量超标,将导致催化剂不可逆性中毒,因此需要对进料采用活性炭净化处理,以去除低浓度的硫化氢或其他低分子量硫化物,防止催化剂失活和寿命缩短。 NORIT® RGM3和NORIT® ROZ3适用于天然气、乙烯等进料的精脱硫处理,具有极高的硫化氢吸附容量和去除效率,吸附后活性炭床出口的含硫量低于0.1ppmv
上海君宜化工销售中心(有限合伙)是卡博特诺芮特授权的经销商。 活性炭是一种微孔结构的炭。其原材料一般是泥煤、木材、褐煤、椰壳、橄榄核或者其它的一些物质。这些物质通过蒸汽或者化学的方法进行活化。活化过程在炭的内部形成了无数分子大小的孔隙,这样就具有了巨大的内部表面积。每克活性炭的表面积能超过1500平方米。打个比方说,一勺子的活性炭,其表面积和一个足球场一般大 卡博特诺芮特生产各种形式和尺寸的活性炭,有极精细粉末活性炭,颗粒活性炭和柱状活性炭。
Technical support is always close at hand. Our team of experts provides ongoing support in advising you on your specific application and treatment goals. Each team member is an expert who is committed to keeping your process running at optimum specifications and output levels. We provide our customers with a worldwide network of sales and service support including activated carbon manufacturing plants in Europe, North America and Latin America. We take our commitment to our customers very seriously. We are proud to work in partnership with you to provide our extensive technical expertise and the most choices in activated carbon. In turn, you can be assured of the best fit for your application, at an optimal price and performance.Cabot Norit 超纯度活性炭:GSX , SX1G, SX PLUS, SX SUPER, SX ULTRA, GAC 1240PLUS, ROX 0.8.活性炭诺瑞特 RX 4 EXTRA
在应用**和系统**团队的支持下,我们的全球销售网络保证我们的全球客户能得到充分服务,满足净化要求。卡博特活性炭NORIT CA1 PA
Norit 'leading in purification develops and applies state-of-the-art purification technologies to help society, through our clients, meet environmentalhealth, and safety challenges, and work towards a sustainable future. The Norit Group, headquartered in The Netherlands, supplies consumables, components, systems, and solutions, based on proprietary technology in every step of the water and beverage value chains More than 8 percent of the world's population -over half a billion people- already consumes water purified by Norit! Norit's activated carbon, membranes, pumps, aseptic and hygienic valves, carbon dioxide systems, and quality control equipment rank among the worId's best. Norit offers global coverage with research and development, engi neering, and manufacturing facilities In seven countries. A network of dedicated Norit sales and service enters, business partners, and distributors serves customers in more than 150 countries around the world卡博特活性炭NORIT CA1 PA